Buddhist Bicycle Pilgrimage - 2003

(clicking on a thumbnail opens another window)

preparation (Leon)

on the day (Peter)

on the morning (Whit)

Corry & Mark at the Rock

opening ceremony (Spirit_Rock)

departing Spirit Rock

Cheese Factory

Two Rock School

Julie and Tiffany (Two Rock)

Captain America at Two Rock

Matt (Two Rock)

Adam (Two Rock)

recumbent tandem and bikes (Two_Rock)

Julie and Ajahn Pasanno (Two Rock)

Corry and Dennis (Two Rock)

Alden and Peter (Two Rock)

Ajahn Amaro and Dennis (Two Rock)

Tiger (Two Rock)

lunch (Occidental)

Liz and Peter (Hop Kiln)

Captain America, Dang, Kathleen with the monks (Hop Kiln)

Dang and Kathleen with the monks (Hop Kiln)

Judi with the monks (Hop Kiln)

Recovering (Hop Kiln)

John and Terry (Hop Kiln)

Hop Kiln

Hop Kiln (2)

Hop Kiln (3)

Whit with bikes (Dry Creek)

bicycle parking (KOA)

Buddha at Night (KOA)

Buddha at night (KOA) - 2

night meditation (KOA)

night meditation (KOA) - 2

two bikes (KOA)

Rock Shop

Buddha (CTTB)

dharma talk (CTTB)

dining room (CTTB)

dining room (CTTB) - 2

mural (CTTB)

wall of Buddhas (CTTB)

meditation hall exterior (CTTB)

meditation hall entrance (CTTB)

mediation hall (CTTB)

meditation hall (CTTB) - 2

pilgrims in Hall of 10K Buddhas (CTTB)

Hall of 10K Buddhas (CTTB)

Hall of 10K Buddhas shrine (CTTB)

Buddhas and more (CTTB)

closing ceremony (Abhayagiri)

closing ceremony (Abhayagiri) -2

closing ceremony (Abhayagiri) - 3

Ajahn Pasanno passing out gifts (Abhayagiri)

Tiffany belting it out - closing ceremony (Abhayagiri)

Tiffany singing - closing ceremony (Abhayagiri)

dharma talk - closing ceremony (Abhayagiri)

Buddha and Dharma Wheel (Abhayagiri)

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